Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Wednesdays, Panera, and Beauty and the Beast

ok. I realize that it's nerdy to update 2 days in a row... but I'm done with that last post.

I don't really like wednesdays. there are many reasons I don't like them. I guess just the classes, not feeling like my age fits into the whole wed. night scene, and the fact that I always have massive amounts of Poli Sci to read.

Cuban Black Bean soup at Panera is amazing! you should all go rush right out and buy some. I recommend the one on the plaza, because they toast your bagels for you. (very high brow, don't you think?)

I want to go buy books. It's always been a dream of mine to have an amazing library like the one Belle gets to have in Beauty and the Beast...

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

classes and such.

I just figured out my schedule of classes for next semester... it's pretty crazy. I'm going to have to work all day Saturday and Sunday (except for our little class) to get in enough hours at work, plus all the rest of the time I'm stuck up at school studying. But at least this semester I'm taking Lifetime Fitness, (working out 2x a week). That's good, because I'm feeling pretty lazy this semester since I never get to work out. Not looking forward to Cultural Diverstity in Education, because it's a 3 hour class (and the subject sounds less than fascinating).

I hate it when teachers refuse to acknowledge that they write some pretty crappy tests sometimes. For example, True or False "We speak the way we write" well, I'm sure some people do, but is he asking if we should speak that way? ahhh! So because of wonderfully worded questions like that one, I ended up with a B.

ok. my rant is over....

Monday, October 17, 2005

Jesus vs. Organic Produce

I'm researching Organic Produce for my speech. I'm going to, of course, be persuading people to buy organic to save the environment and themselves from an early demise. haha. I just like that word.

So 2 thoughts:

1. I don't understand how these liberal, lets save the environment-types (who all shop at my work), can support soil diversity, and not disrupting the ecosystems so whole-heartedly, and then turn right back around and say that it's her right to an abortion. It just doesn't match up. It seems confusing to me.... It seems like these, "let's not interfere with the ecosystem types," should also be the "we had 12 kids because we don't believe in birth control of any kind" types. But hey, maybe that's just me.

2. Also I think that the whole God/religion debate is definietly the same as organic produce. Or at least in my mind. There are a lot of people who buy into it, and there are a lot of people who just think it's nuts. A complete waste of time/money. And there's evidence, lots of it, supporting both sides. But at least organic produce isn't such a risky decision....

Monday, October 10, 2005

so I just went shopping... again.

I realized that I'm still incredibly picky. I found a purse that was decent, except for the color, or except for the texture, or except one little detail. I think internet shopping was created for me. it has to have gianormously huge selection before I find something I like.

ok. I have to go finish up my speech, and study for my poli sci midterm......

but tomorrow I'm knitting and watching Gilmore Girls.

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