Sunday, February 18, 2007

Margaret Sanger v Connecticut

I'm loving the 21 thing... I still have to try a sidecar though.... and I'm staying away from the 'nitwit juice' (most likely my sister is the only one who understands the significance of that part...)

I have been doing some Margaret Sanger research, and while I have some strong feminist views most of the time... she is just a bit nutty. I think it's so interesting to look at personal histories. Margaret Sanger grew up in a huge household (11 kids) and they were extremely poor, and the reason their household was so overpopulated (she didn't get the pony she always wanted) was because her mom didn't have access to birth control. Soooo long story short... Margaret Sanger fights for birth control (condoms, pills, and abortions). Her position makes much more sense when you put it in context of her entire life. She still believed in eugenics (like everybody at the time) which is not cool.

ok. so who else is excited for ellen to host the academy awards? yay! at least if the departed wins best picture I will have seen the best movie. (as opposed to the past few years... crash-no, the aviator-yes, million-dollar-baby-no...) I need to watch more movies. my problem is that TV just gets in the way, a good tv show (read: gilmore girls) is 5 jillion times better than a movie, because you get to spend so much more time with the characters.

ps. random fact: it was illegal in Connecticut for a husband and a wife to use birth control until 1972. in 1973 abortion became legal in all 50 states... is it just me, or is that a huge jump for Connecticut? haha.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

my apt. is now gorgeous, and it will only become even more gorgeous next week with the addition of a new table/chairs and bedspread! yay! and after a few more trips to crate and barrel, it will be complete! That will be sooo nice, because finally I will be out of "moving mode" and hopefully all my stuff will have a home. (there are lots of plastic tubs still, because there's no place to put all of my junk!)

Tomorrow is the first day in my new 5th grade class! And the teacher (who I'm not sure what to call yet... melanie or miss scanlon?) seems so nice and helpful! Although she has teaching (a full time job), another second job, and she's getting her masters. So she's crazy busy, and intimidatingly organized. (I possibly just made up a word there...)

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