Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Wednesdays, Panera, and Beauty and the Beast

ok. I realize that it's nerdy to update 2 days in a row... but I'm done with that last post.

I don't really like wednesdays. there are many reasons I don't like them. I guess just the classes, not feeling like my age fits into the whole wed. night scene, and the fact that I always have massive amounts of Poli Sci to read.

Cuban Black Bean soup at Panera is amazing! you should all go rush right out and buy some. I recommend the one on the plaza, because they toast your bagels for you. (very high brow, don't you think?)

I want to go buy books. It's always been a dream of mine to have an amazing library like the one Belle gets to have in Beauty and the Beast...

I LOVE Belle's library! Is it really nerdy to post 2 days in a row? Just when I thought I was a little bit back in....
I realize that it's nerdy to update 2 days in a row...

What??? Maybe in the xanga world when you see your 30 friends every day. Bring on the nerdhood then. I would much rather have my friend be nerdy and have something new to read than for them to be cool and me be clueless.

Panera does have good soups and this is great weather for soup.
Ahhh, Panera. I do miss it. Actually the best soup in my opinion is at the MiZuppa franchises in Colorado.
Maybe they'll expand to KC.
Nothing beats Quinton's on Mass. St. in Lawrence on a chilly fall day. Their hot sandwiches and bread bowl soups are yummy!
One of my dreams is to be able to have one of those libraries that has a gliding ladder that you can climb up to get the books on the top shelves! How cool would that be?

You know... I love soup... Yes forest... especially in weather like this... but I can not eat any soup that you can not see through. It just grosses me out. I don't know why. It's like the whole creamy aspect I guess. Yuck. I'm more of a brothy soup type of girl. Like french onion soup...or chicken noodle or italian wedding soup. MMMM... now were talking. yummy.
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