Saturday, December 03, 2005

An Educational Update. (aka my life for next semester)

I've almost got my schedule all ironed out for next semester. It's not leaving me any evenings free though, which sucks.... so my social life is going to be reduced to zero (or it might even slip into the negatives. lol) Anyway here are my classes (with stars showing how excited I am for each one...)

Biology (with a lab) * not too excited about this one... I heard it was sortof hard because it's a huge lecture, and last time I took a bio class was in 9th grade.
Lifetime Fitness *** I'm excited to have regularly scheduled workout time, but not excited about getting all sweaty and having to shower naked in a room full of other strangers.
Cultural Diversity in Education ** the subject seems like it's going to be either really good, or really bad. hopefully there's not too much reading....
Experimental Psych ***** Sounds awesome. The prof. came highly recommended, and the class is supposed to be a great topic. The only problem is that it's writing intensive (read: lots of papers).
Elementary Music Methods **** I like music. This one should be fun. also hopefully not much new material. I played the oboe, so I know how to read music and the importance of intonation (lol. out of tune oboes are the worst! when I was first learning my ($10) reed broke right before a concert, and they didn't let me play... that's how bad it sounds)
Geometry for Elementary Teachers ***** I love geometry (I know that makes me a nerd...) and learning how to teach little kids about shapes and angles sounds cute. Geometry and Stats are the only types of math that I actually understand. Plus my dad (the engineer) is always telling me to "think triangles!" whenever we would have to build things out of popsicle sticks, or spaghetti, or whatever. (I'm sure forrest knows all about the triangle thing...)

Anyway, sorry if that completely bored you, I'm sooooo excited to be done with this semester! only 2 more days of classes, and then all I have are my finals! yay!

oooohhh and I'm taking Economics, Geography and American History this summer. (I regret not paying for that history class when I took the AP class in high school.) oh well...

I'm the same on Geometry and Stats, though I was ok in most Algebra as well. I think the problem lies mostly in the style of teaching. Math can be taught through memorization conceptually. I am horrible at memorization and decent with concepts.

Economics, Geography, and American History all sound like fun too. That's a good summer combo, IMO.
Sounds good! So how many hours are you taking? Are you trying to get your degree done sooner than 4 years?

I once took 21 hours a semester so that I could have a real easy 5th year.

I love the math classes. I don't remember any of that stuff now. For architecture we were required to take Calc I as the only math class, but I enjoyed it so I took Calc II as an elective. Geometry always seemed really easy. It's more like puzzles and games than math, but I really don't remember what geometry is about either.

Real quick:
pythagorum therom?
area of a circle?
diameter of a circle?
pythagorum therom?
Theory regarding the size of a peach seed.

area of a circle?
I've heard it's pi * r squared, but 1 pie forms a circle, so I'll go with "pi"

diameter of a circle? What I traverse when we're "not lost"

Thing on the road

Means you have bad credit

90% of all sermons
lol. I'm never forgeting sine, cosine or tangent because of sohcahtoa... sine=opp/hyp cos=adjacent/hyp and tan= opp/adjacent. and sohcahtoa is said just like it looks, and it ends up sounding a bit like a native american name.

and I'm just shooting for 4 years at this point. I'm 20 credits behind just a regular education degree, and I want a minor in psych too.... so that's a lot of classes to squeeze in! Plus I'm working 20 hours a week too...
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