Monday, January 29, 2007

migraine. ow ow ow.

but other than that work was ok. not great, but ok. it was mostly ok because I was focusing on getting my new tv sometime soon! yay! and it will be so cool to watch widescreen movies because it's widescreen! so I won't have those little black strips at the top and bottom :)

well, that's all my news. it's not too exciting around meyah (cartman noise).

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Gilmore girls update and a Tummy issue (with a capital T)

ok. so I'll admit it. this sick thing (and really, lets just face it, all the time) has me watching tons and tons of gilmore girls. I sometimes wonder what I would have accomplished if I had not fallen in love with the show or if I did not have a laptop (aka dvd player)... hmmm. ok! so tonight's episode definitely involved Luke/Lorelai drama because she's still married to Chris and didn't tell him about the character reference she wrote for his custody trial. ahhh!! the drama!! It's killing me that I have to wait another seven whole days for the next episode... but it's looking like my whole show will end up with luke & lorelai together at last. and I guess that works for me, since they have been predicting that outcome since forever, honestly even the pilot is full of hints.

work was semi-crazy tonight. (I mean, not so crazy that I haven't had time to write this and compose a b-day list... lol) and I still have to write 2 mini papers and watch/observe a candle burning until I get some observations. (I might be BSing that one)

oooh and I was scarred for life today! I saw a girl's stomach in my reading class today and was completely distrubed. I have seen some not-so-flat tummies before, but never this! it was a big pouch of deflated skin (looked kindof like a balloon that's been sitting around for about 3 weeks, you know lots of weird shrunken and liney bits). it was disgusting! ooohhh and it almost looked like she had a cleft stomach (like a cleft lip) because her belly button wasn't just a little hole, it was an entire slit continuing down through her bulge.... ooohh and the whole thing looked like cellulite/old person skin. ok. so, is this caused by extreme weight loss in the belly area or having a ton of kids? because (and maybe I'm being vain here) whatever it is that causes that I am avoiding... possibly forever. or I'm just going to suck it up and have plastic surgery. I'm not usually the biggest plastic surgery advocate, but that was the grossest thing ever. If that's what just usually happens when people's bodies age then I am officially not excited to be old. (not that I was ever jumping around about it...)

Sunday, January 21, 2007

dr. meredith's diagnosis...

haha. if I was really a doctor I would shoot myself. ok, not really... but there's no way I would survive med school anyway... ewww. dead people!

soooo. I've been wearing pjs all day and didn't even wake up fully until 1pm (and I have not been to any discotecas lately...) sooo I think I'm probably having mono again. not fun. and a sinus infection and an ear infection. the moral of the story is: homeopathic medicine is not for me! grain alcohol is disgusting, and oregano oil does nothing!

in other news, I played elebits today and beat the really hard boss level that had been causing lots of frustration. yay!! and I'm not going to tell jared how to do it! (this second part is more satisfying than beating the level. haha)

Monday, January 01, 2007

ok. so if I had to make a new years resolution it would be to keep my apt cleaner.... whatever. last years was to eat vegetables, and we see how good that went over.

I like finding new exciting friends. it's weird because my new exciting friend is jared's best friend's girlfriend. here's how you know it's going to work with me...

*you talk a lot. for hours, about mindless stuff mostly.
*you love gilmore girls. they're not "characters" it's real life. and all of life can be analyzed through gilmore girl quotes. ex: "ethics, highly subjective and entirely overrated"
*you like to talk about celebrities. mostly just to mock them. well, really I mock everyone... ok. so mocking is a must.
*also complaining is good. it sounds like a negative, but bonding can occur. lol.

ok back to #2 up there...

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