Monday, January 01, 2007

ok. so if I had to make a new years resolution it would be to keep my apt cleaner.... whatever. last years was to eat vegetables, and we see how good that went over.

I like finding new exciting friends. it's weird because my new exciting friend is jared's best friend's girlfriend. here's how you know it's going to work with me...

*you talk a lot. for hours, about mindless stuff mostly.
*you love gilmore girls. they're not "characters" it's real life. and all of life can be analyzed through gilmore girl quotes. ex: "ethics, highly subjective and entirely overrated"
*you like to talk about celebrities. mostly just to mock them. well, really I mock everyone... ok. so mocking is a must.
*also complaining is good. it sounds like a negative, but bonding can occur. lol.

ok back to #2 up there...

what was the wise wisdom i told you? now i feel confused. i like how you have made a new years resolution, im still trying to think of one.
ps- sorry i didnt call you back!
pps- what is your address at the hope lodge?
Meredith! I had no idea you had a blog. you need to check mine out... :)
you need to check your email! the umkc one.
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